Good morning everybody
I don’t see everyone during the year so I thought it was time to give a quick outline of what
the branch has been doing in 2022.

Due to the terrible weather through January and February our year didn’t really start until
March. Our monthly Practice Meets have all taken place at a variety of locations offering different walling challenges and we have organised 7 two-day training courses for the public and corporate bodies. The retirees, who meet midweek, have worked throughout the period. Demonstrations at The Royal Lancashire Show, The Yorkshire Day Fair and Saddleworth Show were well received and enjoyed by all who took part.
The branch continues to grow with 71 members currently. It is very pleasing to see how skill levels and competence have developed among the active members who are now capable of tackling most walling challenges.
I am fully aware that not everyone wants to be ‘hands on’ or is capable of being so. Our
programme of activities is open to all but there is absolutely no obligation to participate. It is our mission to raise awareness of the importance of dry stone walls in the landscape and provide opportunities for people to gain the skills to be able to build and repair them.
Whether you are an active member or not, your continued membership is very much
appreciated and will assist us to keep all those walls standing proud. Thank you.
Going forward we have decided to make some changes. Having filled the role for a long
time I shall stand down as chairman at the AGM next year when Kathy England will take over. This is best for the continuity of the branch and the generation of new ideas. Henceforth it is intended that a new chairman will be selected every two years. Robin Whalley has already taken over the running of the website and hopes to give it a shake down and make some changes that will enable more member participation which it needs. It will still be the place to find the latest information on dates/venues etc. and the 2023 programme is already on there.
Best wishes
Chris Bolshaw Chairman
Lancashire Branch DSWA