Branch Members
Meet the mMembers of the Lancashire Branch of the Dry Stone Walling Association. These dedicated people are what make this such as great branch to be part of.

The Best Office in the World
The Lancashire Branch of the DSWA carries out most of the it’s training in the Saddleworth area. With a rich history of dry stone walls and beautiful countryside, it’s the perfect location.

Our Founding Member
The Branch owes a huge debt of thanks to Bryan, who was our founding member.
Officers of the Branch
Meet the dedicated Officers supporting the branch membership on the Officers page.
Active Branch Members
Being a member of the branch doesn’t mean you need to be an active Waller. Some choose only to support us by being a member whilst others like to join our monthly practice meetings. Here are some of the regular practice meet attendees.
In Memory of…
Howard, a talented Waller and a wonderful man.