Date: 6th October 2024
Location: Burnedge Bent Farm, Grasscroft
Conditions: Autumnal with odd shower, sound underfoot – all the BB swallows have gone.
Since Bryan’s death, Burnedge Bent has seen some changes. The entrance to the farm is undergoing a rethink; our old stone-carved branch logo has been removed to Roe Barn for safekeeping, and the fields are full of sheep, which hasn’t been the case for some years.
On recent visits, we have been working to reduce the height of a wall near the farmyard. We continued this project with a new cheek end and containing wall, as well as a gapping team repairing a big collapse nearby.
I must say that the team on the cheek end section had a bit of a wrestle to get the old foundation out and relaid but they did a beautiful job and had the wall rebuilt by home time – all that practice and training to build cheek ends obviously paid off. Clearly folk are getting the hang of this walling game! The banter was not impaired in any way of course.
Chris Bolshaw