DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course, Crompton Moor

Another full course for the weekend and held at Crompton Moor where we were well looked after by The Friends of Crompton Moor (TFCM) hosts Bob Kenworthy and John Hudson.

TCFM had prepared a lovely flat site and cleared the brush thus ensuring a safe pathway for the trainees which comprised a super mix of lads and lasses in the ratio seven to five. In charge for the weekend was Branch Secretary and National Chairman Mr Paul Clayton ably assisted by recently qualified instructor Neil Beevor. Additional assistance was provided by four Branch volunteers.

The job, as we say, was to take down, prepare and re-build a section of approximately twenty yards of sadly dilapidated wall and the trainees accomplished this smartish such that by dinner time the base stones (footings) were well and truly in place.

The weather was mixed throughout the weekend and a brief downpour prompted an early call for lunch and a rush to the gazebo for snap and shelter. The Saturday afternoon saw good progress and by close of play the wall was well up. An excellent effort by all the trainees.

Sunday commenced on time and with much favourable comment from our trainees who were surprised and delighted by their first day’s progress. By lunchtime we were ready for topping so we enjoyed a leisurely break before returning for the finish.

After a comprehensive class session from Paul and Neil we set to with topping. Progress from all trainees was excellent and their enthusiasm and commitment to a good job was evident in the finished product – a well topped wall.

After the presentation at the end a few trainees stopped to offer their thanks for a satisfying and well-run course although their smiles were thanks enough for the trainers and volunteers.

Thanks also to the trainees who stayed behind at the end to help with the clear up and thanks once again to Bob Kenworthy and TFCM for their hospitality.

As ever, a wonderful weekend.

Paul Stevenson


DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023
DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023
DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023
DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023
DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023
Ridge Farm 9-07-2023 Site 1
DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023
DSWA Lancashire Branch Training Course 12 & 13th August 2023