Walling Report, 20th August 2023
Date: 20th August 2023
Location: Burn Springs Farm, Grains Bar, Delph
Conditions: Cloudy with sunny spells and the occasional shower.
“Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet.”
I know, what on earth has this got to do with a Branch walling meet-up? Well, the ethos behind our Practice Meets is surely relaxation and enjoyment, the central theme of the Hamlet advert. By the way, the principal character of the advert “Happiness” was played by Gregor Fisher, aka Rab C. Nesbit. The advert ran between 1964 – 1999 and was one of the longest running ad campaigns in the UK.
Anyway, the turn-out was exceptional with nineteen attendees and a good mix of oldies but goodies and plenty of our newer members; a warm welcome to Josh who has joined the team only five years after his introductory weekend course.
The weather was perfect with just a slight breeze and sufficient sunshine to be comfortable. Perfect walling weather.
For most people this was a new site to the roster. The farm has become somewhat run-down over the last few years but is now in more youthful ownership and the gentleman in question is trying to bring the farm back to life. Much of the extant wall works are in poor repair and in need of our TLC. The site was delightfully flat and the drainage was good so the recent heavy rains were not aiding the rich black soil to cake our boots. The stone was workable. On a side note, members may have noticed some decidedly brickish looking red stones – now weathered almost coal black – amongst the walls as we dismantled them and despite comments to the contrary these were not my imports. These red stones are actually bricks and remnants from the adjacent, now derelict brick works. Their hardness and colour stems from the multiple firings they underwent in the kilns. The red stones can legitimately be described as ‘au terroir’ and therefore are within the bounds of acceptable materials for re-building purposes. They will only be seen by the sheep anyway.
On the day we split into two groups with two entirely different objectives. Group A was headed by the Executive and set to rebuilding a corner with two stiles and a cheek end and all completed within the day. A lovely job too.
The demos made do with a strip down and re-build of twenty yards of sadly exhausted wall which was completed but for the toppers simply because they were lacking. This could be a useful return for the ROBbers.
Feedback at the end and from the ROBbers subsequently confirmed that we had enjoyed a damned fine day with much mickey-taking (is that phrase still allowed) and terrific camaraderie. The sun was shining, the views were wonderful and the walling was fun. All in all – Lurvely.
As I said at the top………. Happiness is……
A worthy mention to the guest appearance of the biggest caterpillar I have ever seen – an Elephant Hawk Moth which filled the palm of our Chairman’s hand and thanks to Eve for the identification. What an asset.
Paul Stevenson

Taking Down the Original Wall

Laying Foundation Stones

Build Underway

The next challenge will be to find some toppers.