Sunday 25th June saw the annual Saddleworth Show held once again at Well-i-hole, Greenfield and a team of eleven volunteers turned out ably led by our President Carl Watson with accompanying support from our National Chairman and Branch Secretary, Paul Clayton and Branch Chairman Chris Bolshaw. On a fine sunny day approximately fifteen foot of wall was built and topped.

This was the first airing of our new gazebo canopy and the strong navy blue is a fine update to the previous white. Also receiving its first public airing was the children’s demonstration wall which has been conceived and constructed by Peter Taft and a popular addition to our demonstration arsenal it proved to be.

Children’s demonstration wall

Recruitment Sergeant for the day was Helen Masding and promises of future course bookings were high so well done Helen.

Chef for the day and cake master was John Stevenson who cooked the burgers and sausages provided along with other finger delights by various Branch members.

Branch members working on the demonstration wall.

A wonderfully relaxed day was only soured when a be-draggled half dozen returned from the bar soaking wet though unrefreshed as the bar had closed five minutes before their arrival. C’est la vie.

New BBQ area inset into the wall.