As the Summer got under way our exhibition skills were put on display once more at the Saddlewort h Show (June). Although we had a fine day in front we did lack one vital ingredient from the off – Stone.

Fortunately, our Diplomatic Head and Branch Secretary, Paul Clayton soon rectified this with the organisers and we set to. Sometimes, perhaps we sell ourselves too cheaply.

Our monthly Practice Meets continued throughout the Summer and for some of the novices our Tuesday, weekly “Old Retirees Club” provided not just fresh air and walling, but far ranging philosophical discussion on Brexit, global warming – or lack of, this being Saddleworth, and the price of beer.

Over the weekend of 19 th to 21 st of July, following their kind invitation we had the honour of working at The Royal Lancashire (RLS) show and were pleased to have our Branch President, Carl Watson working alongside. The weekend was shared betwee n members and over a dozen made the trip to Preston to contribute. Our efforts were sufficient to secure a further invitation to next year’s RLS and given their enthusiasm for our work I am sure there will be no shortage of volunteers in 2020.

The following weekend, and with little notice, we were asked to provide a further exhibition of walling at the Saddleworth Yorkshire Day; a memorable day if only for the rain.

In addition to our scheduled two Training courses at Ridge Farm – both well attended – we manage d to include an impromptu Training course at Denshaw Church where the trainees, ably led by our newly qualified Instructor Neil Beevor and grandly supported by Church wardens (tea and home-made cakes), rebuilt 20 metres of Millstone wall. This was a particularly satisfying weekend as our efforts involved local people supporting their own community. Truly putting something back.

All in all the Branch has had one busy but very enjoyable Summer. While we work throughout the Winter, weather permitting, the pace slows although enthusiasm across the Branch continues to build – just like our walls.

Paul Stevenson